Tommaso Trillò

Evolution de la production scientifique

  • Artículo 14

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Titre Année Type

Constructing a European Culture of Gender Equality on Social Media: European and National (mis) Allignments

University of Lodz PhD Dissertation Repository, 2019

T Trillò
2019 Artículo

Kłopotliwe koalicje. Kilka uwag na temat (ledwo słyszalnego) głosu prorównościowych grup męskich w propagowaniu równości płci

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2019

T Trillò
2019 Artículo

Troubling Coalitions. Some Remarks on the (Hardly Audible) Voice of Pro-Equality Men's Groups in Gender Equality Advocacy

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, 71-89, 2019

T Trillò
2019 Artículo

Traveling metaphors in a feminism without borders: Analyzing metaphors and floating signifiers in the tweets of the ‘Non una di meno’feminist network in Italy

Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, 2018

T Trillò
2018 Artículo

Can the subaltern tweet? Reflections on Twitter as a space of appearances and inequality in accessing visibility

Studies on Home and Community Science 11 (2), 116-124, 2018

T Trillò
2018 Artículo

The “Non Una di Meno” Feminist Movement in Italy: Connective or Collective?

Applied digital humanities and social science: case studies and critical …, 2018

T Trillò
2018 Artículo

Not the desired offspring: The Italian Ministry of Health, #FertilityDay, and the campaign that wasn’t

Discourses of (De)Legitimization: Participatory Culture in Digital Contexts …, 2018

T Trillò
2018 Artículo

‘Christmas is Cancelled’: Controversy in Italian Schools (and Press)

Strangers, Aliens, Foreigners, 83-96, 2018

T Trillò
2018 Artículo

Performing Feminist Resistance on Twitter: The case of# ParliamoneSabato in the Italian Twittersphere

Władza sądzenia/Power of judgment 14, 75-91, 2018

T Trillò
2018 Artículo

Communicating anti-Violence Policy on Twitter: The European Commission and# SayNoStopVAW.

Styles of Communication 9 (1), 2017

T Trillo
2017 Artículo

Mediterranean migration and the language of crisis: An Italian case study

JANUS anuário de relações exteriores: A comunicação mundializada, 122-123, 2017

T Trillò
2017 Artículo

e-Constructing a European culture of gender equality on Facebook: The cases of EIGE and the FEMM Committee

e-Connecting Europe, 2017

T Trillò
2017 Artículo

Gender identity, gender based violence, and the Responsibility to Protect

University of Leeds RtoP Student Journal 1 (1), 2016

T Trillò
2016 Artículo

Women's Right to Asylum and the Harmonization of Asylum Policies in Europe: A Legal-political Perspective

John Cabot University, 2013

T Trillò
2013 Artículo