كيف ندرس الانفعالات والمشاعر سوسيولوجيًا؟ الانفعالات و «الشعور بالبيت» في سياق الهجرة القسرية نموذجًا/How Do We Study Emotions and Feelings Sociologically: Emotions and feeling at home in the context of forced migration as an example

This paper aims to introduce one of the most recent sociological disciplines (sociology of emotions) by presenting the most relevant contemporary theories in this field (cultural, symbolic interactionism, power and status, ritual, social exchange, and emotional practices). It provides methodological suggestions based on a field study with 33 Syrian refugees and asylum seekers in Berlin between 2015-2017 using the constructivist grounded theory procedures. In this way, this paper sheds light on the latest theoretical sociological trends that study emotions and feelings, and it clarifies them through an applied model on the case of emotions and feeling at home in the context of forced migration. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]