Fernando Blanco Bregón

Universidad de Granada / Psicología Social

Evolución de la producción científica

  • Artículo 49

Listado de producción

Titulo Año Tipo

Which learning techniques supported by cognitive research do students use at secondary school? Prevalence and associations with students’ beliefs and achievement

Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications 9 (44), doi.org/10.1186 …, 2024

H Ruiz-Martín, F Blanco, M Ferrero
2024 Artículo

Expensive seems better: The price of a non-effective drug modulates its perceived efficacy

Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications 8 (1), 8, 2023

M Díaz-Lago, F Blanco, H Matute
2023 Artículo

I want to believe: Prior beliefs influence judgments about the effectiveness of both alternative and scientific medicine

Judgment and Decision Making 18, e1, 2023

L Vicente, F Blanco, H Matute
2023 Artículo

Scarcity affects cognitive biases: The case of the illusion of causality.

Acta Psychologica 239, 2023

A Viñas, F Blanco, H Matute
2023 Artículo

Editorial: Understanding and Overcoming Biases in Judgment and Decision-Making With Real-Life Consequences.

Frontiers in Psychology 13, 917896, 2022

Y Okan, F Blanco, D Petrova, M Capra, JC Perales
2022 Artículo

Causality bias

Cognitive Illusions Intriguing Phenomena in Thinking, Judgment, and Memory, 2022

H Matute, F Blanco, MM Moreno-Fernández
2022 Artículo

The tendency to stop collecting information is linked to illusions of causality

Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1-15, 2021

MM Moreno-Fernández, F Blanco, H Matute
2021 Artículo

Diseases that resolve spontaneously can increase the belief that ineffective treatments work

Social Science & Medicine, 113012, 2020

F Blanco, H Matute
2020 Artículo

The more, the merrier: Treatment frequency influences effectiveness perception and further treatment choice

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2020

I Barberia, F Blanco, J Rodríguez-Ferreiro
2020 Artículo

When success is not enough: The symptom base-rate can influence judgments of effectiveness of a successful treatment

Frontiers in Psychology 11, 2447, 2020

F Blanco, MM Moreno-Fernández, H Matute
2020 Artículo

Are the symptoms really remitting? How the subjective interpretation of outcomes can produce an illusion of causality

Judgment and Decision Making 15 (4), 572-585, 2020

F Blanco, MM Moreno-Fernández, H Matute
2020 Artículo

Learning mechanisms underlying accurate and biased contingency judgments.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition 45 (4), 373, 2019

H Matute, F Blanco, M Díaz-Lago
2019 Artículo

Base-rate expectations modulate the causal illusion

PloS one 14 (3), e0212615, 2019

F Blanco, H Matute
2019 Artículo

Reduced selective learning in patients with fibromyalgia vs healthy controls

Pain 159 (7), 1268-1276, 2018

A Meulders, Y Boddez, F Blanco, M Van Den Houte, JWS Vlaeyen
2018 Artículo

Causal Illusions in the Service of Political Attitudes in Spain and the United Kingdom

Frontiers in Psychology 9 (1033), 2018

F Blanco, B Gómez-Fortes, H Matute
2018 Artículo

¿Adquisición o extinción? Un modelo Bayesiano para analizar curvas de aprendizaje

Ciencia Cognitiva 12 (1), 11-16, 2018

F Blanco
2018 Artículo

The Illusion of Causality: A Cognitive Bias Underlying Pseudoscience

Pseudoscience: The Conspiracy Against Science, 45-76, 2018

F Blanco, H Matute
2018 Artículo

Causal illusions in children when the outcome is frequent

PloS one 12 (9), e0184707, 2017

MM Moreno-Fernández, F Blanco, H Matute
2017 Artículo

Bayesian methods for addressing long-standing problems in associative learning: The case of PREE

The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2017

F Blanco, J Moris
2017 Artículo

Positive and negative implications of the causal illusion

Consciousness and Cognition 50, 56–68, 2017

F Blanco
2017 Artículo

Fishing for phishers. Improving Internet users' sensitivity to visual deception cues to prevent electronic fraud

Computers in Human Behavior 69, 421-436, 2017

MM Moreno-Fernández, F Blanco, P Garaizar, H Matute
2017 Artículo

Pot la psicologia rescatar-se a si mateixa?. Incentius, biaix i replicabilitat

Anuari de psicologia de la Societat Valenciana de Psicologia 18 (2), 231-252, 2017

F Blanco, JCP López, MA Vadillo
2017 Artículo

Cognitive bias

Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, 2017

F Blanco
2017 Artículo

Single-and Dual-Process Models of Biased Contingency Detection

Experimental psychology 63 (1), 3-19, 2016

MA Vadillo, F Blanco, I Yarritu, H Matute
2016 Artículo

¿Crees en los fantasmas? Quizá estés mostrando un sesgo cognitivo

Ciencia Cognitiva 1 (10), 5-7, 2016

F Blanco
2016 Artículo

Individuals Who Believe in the Paranormal Expose Themselves to Biased Information and Develop More Causal Illusions than Nonbelievers in the Laboratory

PLoS ONE 10 (7), e0131378, 2015

F Blanco, I Barberia, H Matute
2015 Artículo

Illusions of causality: How they bias our everyday thinking and how they could be reduced

Frontiers in Psychology 6, 888, 2015

H Matute, F Blanco, I Yarritu, M Díaz-Lago, MA Vadillo, I Barberia
2015 Artículo

Exploring the Factors That Encourage the Illusions of Control

Experimental psychology 62 (2), 131-142, 2015

F Blanco, H Matute
2015 Artículo

Reducing the illusion of control when an action is followed by an undesired outcome

Psychonomic bulletin & review 21 (4), 1087-1093, 2014

H Matute, F Blanco
2014 Artículo

Blocking in human causal learning is affected by outcome assumptions manipulated through causal structure

Learning & behavior 42 (2), 185-199, 2014

F Blanco, F Baeyens, T Beckers
2014 Artículo

The lack of side effects of an ineffective treatment facilitates the development of a belief in its effectiveness

PloS one 9 (1), e84084, 2014

F Blanco, I Barberia, H Matute
2014 Artículo

Interactive effects of the probability of the cue and the probability of the outcome on the overestimation of null contingency

Learning & Behavior 41 (4), 333-340, 2013

F Blanco, H Matute, MA Vadillo
2013 Artículo

Fighting the Illusion of Control: How to Make Use of Cue Competition and Alternative Explanations

Universitas Psychologica 12 (1), 261-270, 2013

M Vadillo, H Matute, F Blanco
2013 Artículo

Implementation and assessment of an intervention to debias adolescents against causal illusions

PLoS ONE 8 (8), e71303, 2013

I Barberia, F Blanco, CP Cubillas, H Matute
2013 Artículo

Offset-control attenuates context conditioning induced by US-unpredictability in a human conditioned suppression paradigm

Psychologica Belgica 55 (1), 39-56, 2013

A Meulders, J Mampaey, Y Boddez, F Blanco, D Vansteenwegen, ...
2013 Artículo

Mediating role of activity level in the depressive realism effect

PLoS One 7 (9), e46203, 2012

F Blanco, H Matute, MA Vadillo
2012 Artículo

Making the uncontrollable seem controllable: The role of action in the illusion of control

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (7), 1290-1304, 2011

F Blanco, H Matute, MA Vadillo
2011 Artículo

Contrasting cue-density effects in causal and prediction judgments

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 18 (1), 110-115, 2011

MA Vadillo, SC Musca, F Blanco, H Matute
2011 Artículo

The role of cue information in the outcome-density effect: Evidence from neural network simulations and a causal learning experiment

Connection Science 22 (2), 177-192, 2010

SC Musca, MA Vadillo, F Blanco, H Matute
2010 Artículo

Contingency is used to prepare for outcomes: Implications for a functional analysis of learning

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 17 (1), 117-121, 2010

F Blanco, H Matute, MA Vadillo
2010 Artículo

Depressive realism: Wiser or quieter?

The Psychological Record 59 (4), 551-562, 2009

F Blanco, H Matute, MA Vadillo
2009 Artículo

Biases in contingency learning: Are outcome predictions more accurate than causal judgements?

International Journal of Psychology 43 (3-4), 2008

M Vadillo, S Musca, F Blanco, H Matute
2008 Artículo

Causal, preparation, and prediction judgments are not based on the same information

International Journal of Psychology 43 (3-4), 2008

F Blanco, H Matute, M Vadillo
2008 Artículo

Passivity associated to depression protects individuals from the illusion of control

International Journal of Psychology 43 (3), 424-424, 2008

H Matute, F Blanco, MA Vadillo
2008 Artículo

La pasividad de los deprimidos les protege de la ilusión de control

Emoción y Motivación: Contribuciones actuales 2, 79-91, 2008

F Blanco, MA Vadillo, H Matute
2008 Artículo

Associative and connectionist accounts of biased contingency detection in humans

From associations to rules: connectionist models of behavior and cognition …, 2008

SC Musca, MA Vadillo, F Blanco, H Matute
2008 Artículo

Illusion of control in Internet users and college students

CyberPsychology & Behavior 10 (2), 176-181, 2007

H Matute, MA Vadillo, S Vegas, F Blanco
2007 Artículo

En qué se diferencia la danza de la lluvia del barómetro y de las bajas presiones: Una investigación sobre cómo aprendemos a explicar, predecir y controlar nuestro entorno

Universidad de Deusto, 2007

H Matute, MA Vadillo, F Blanco, C Orgaz, S Vegas
2007 Artículo

Either greedy or well informed: The reward maximization–unbiased evaluation trade-off

Proceedings of the European Cognitive Science Conference, 341-346, 2007

H Matute, MA Vadillo, F Blanco, SC Musca
2007 Artículo