This study is part of the larger Syrian NGO Network Engagement and Partnership Programme, carried out by International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) in strategic partnership with UNDP Syria to deliver an engagement and partnership programme with a core group of Syrian non-governmental organization (NGO) networks. This report is an ICVA product that is supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Syria and local Syrian networks. Its overall purpose is to strengthen the capacity of Syrian NGO networks to enable them to play a vital role in joint coordination and representation by strengthening skills and capacity across a range of areas including coordination, governance, and strategic planning. Strengthening local humanitarian actors and networks in Syria and the region is key to a strong humanitarian response. International efforts should supplement – not substitute – national and local efforts.

Refugees and Asylum Seekers’ Emotions in Migration Studies

Este artículo revisa los estudios teóricos y empíricos sobre las emociones en los estudios de migración para determinar el estado del arte, así como para identificar brechas. Además de los tres enfoques principales para comprender la vida emocional de los migrantes forzados (extraordinaria, encuentros cotidianos, y terapéutica), el presente artículo identifica diferentes tipos de investigación empírica informada por estas perspectivas teóricas. Se centraran en; El impacto del contexto de la migración, las emociones durante una etapa específica del viaje, y las emociones, valores y tradiciones que los migrantes traen al destino. Esta revisión de la literatura llevó a determinar las tendencias y consideraciones más relevantes. Debido al dominio de los enfoques terapéuticos y extraordinarios, es necesario (1) explorar más a fondo el papel de las emociones en la migración forzada; (2) observar cómo los migrantes forzados construyen sus emociones sin perder el contexto (dónde, por qué y cuándo); (3) investigar otras funciones de las emociones o preguntar cómo los migrantes forzados hacen sentido de su experiencia de violencia, tortura … etc.; (4) tener en cuenta todo el viaje de principio a fin; (5) desarrollar una teoría basada en datos empíricos que explique la interacción entre las emociones y la pertenencia.  

Emotions and Belonging in Forced Migration: Syrian Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Emotions and Belonging in Forced Migration takes a sociology of emotions approach to gain a better understanding of the present situation of forced migration. Furthermore, it helps to bring the voices and views of forced migrants to academic and public debates in Western society, where they have been generally absent and often investigated with predefined concepts and categories based on theories having little relevance to their cultural and social experiences. This work, however, is based on an inductive methodology that carefully carries the voices of forced migrants throughout the research. Therefore, it will be of interest for various audiences from different disciplines in social sciences, as for any readers seeking to learn more about the refugees in his building, neighbourhood, city, or country. Finally, it provides an insightful lens for those who wants to know more about Syria and the Arab uprisings after 2010: It is the first study of what Syrians feel during the entirety of their difficult ordeal fleeing Syria, traversing different countries in the global South, and landing in Western ones. No other book treats this thematic focus with the same geographic and temporal breadth.

كيف ندرس الانفعالات والمشاعر سوسيولوجيًا؟ الانفعالات و «الشعور بالبيت» في سياق الهجرة القسرية نموذجًا/How Do We Study Emotions and Feelings Sociologically: Emotions and feeling at home in the context of forced migration as an example

This paper aims to introduce one of the most recent sociological disciplines (sociology of emotions) by presenting the most relevant contemporary theories in this field (cultural, symbolic interactionism, power and status, ritual, social exchange, and emotional practices). It provides methodological suggestions based on a field study with 33 Syrian refugees and asylum seekers in Berlin between 2015-2017 using the constructivist grounded theory procedures. In this way, this paper sheds light on the latest theoretical sociological trends that study emotions and feelings, and it clarifies them through an applied model on the case of emotions and feeling at home in the context of forced migration. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]  

Refugees in the global economy: situation, role, and implications: the case of Syrian refugee workers in the export industry in Istanbul — FMGESI

This research aims to explore the situation of refugee-workers in the global economy and its implications for their everyday life. The forced migrant is usually seen as a person who receives aid rather than one who participates in economic production in the host country. Nevertheless, there are many studies which demonstrate the positive role of the refugees in the national economy of the host country. However, these usually focus on the role of the refugees entrepreneurs or other ‘elites’, thereby ignoring refugee-workers and their position in the global economy. As such, we could ask what role does refugee-workers play in the global economy? How does their position in this economy impact their everyday lives and thus their future plans? These are the orienting questions for the proposed research. The approach is as follows: First, we will conduct an analysis of the city and its borders. Second, an analysis of the workers’ situation. Finally, we will explore in-depth the situation of refugee-workers by undertaking an explorative case study; Syrian refugee-workers in Istanbul. Here, we will use a qualitative approach with in-depth semi-structured interviews. We chose Istanbul because Turkey’s economic policy makes it one of the biggest suppliers of textiles to Europe. It is also the country with the highest number of refugees in the world. Most of these are Syrian, and the biggest number of them reside in Istanbul. This research will make a great contribution toward two of the most relevant issues in the horizon 2018-2020 work program; societal resilience and market creation innovation. It will provide a better understanding and useful recommendations for policymakers on how to manage forced migration, with ‘sustainable development goals’ related to the integration of the refugees in their host society and economy. Furthermore, gender is at the heart of this view, since forced migration is usually accompanied by extreme changes in social roles, especially for women.

El averroismo hebreaico en los Reinos Cristianos. Desde el exilio hasta expulsión del Reino de Francia

El presente artículo estudia la circulación de las obras escritas por traductores y autores judíos que se basaron en Averrores durante el s. XIII, con el fin de determinar los rasgos generales del Averroismo hebraico y su desarrollo en el contexto socio-cultural de este periodo. Los resultados sugirieron lo siguiente; primero utilizaron el aristotelismo para luchar contra los ataques del otro, el cual amenazaba la identidad de la comunidad judía, así como para enfrentar los anti-racionalistas judíos. A partir del último tercio de este siglo, con la gravedad de la situación y la gran división social en la sociedad judía, los averroistas judíos dieron la prioridad a la búsqueda de una salida que garantiza la unidad de la comunidad, es decir, cómo hacer que la religión (judía) y filosofía (aristotélica) convivan en paz.  

نحو علوم اجتماعية في السياق العربي: في الحاجة إلى النظرية المجذرة/Towards Social Sciences in the Arab Context: The Need for Grounded Theory

This paper suggests the grounded theory as a methodology that can contribute effectively and efficiently to confronting the crisis of theory and its relationship with empirical reality, which is one of the most significant obstacles to the production of social science in the Arab context. The paper presents this approach, its procedures and its inductive method, which is conducive to the construction of a theory based on empirical data and not on preconceived assumptions. It discusses the theoretical and practical benefits of its adoption in field research on Arab societies and the challenges which those who employ it may face, both in general and in the Arab world in particular, offering some ideas on how to deal with these issues. Finally, it concludes with several suggestions for enhancing its practice in Arab universities and research centers.

Jewish Averroists Between Two Expulsions (1306-1492): From Conflict to Reconciliation

This article investigates the intellectual production of Jewish authors influenced by Averroes in the 14th and 15th Centuries in northern Spain and southern France. The primary objective is to determine the main features of Jewish Averroism in this period, and to understand it within its socio-historical context. The outcomes suggest that there was a relationship between the new social and political trends toward democratization and reconciliation in the heart of Jewish communities on one hand, and the growing interest in Averroes’ original works on the other. Original here means the works that are not commentaries or summaries of other works.